Raspberry seedlings

Traditional & Repeating

Most of raspberry varieties have red fruits, but there are also kinds that are yellow, purple or black. Raspberries suit perfectly for freezing, the production of jams, juices and preserves. Due to the high content of antibacterial ellagic acid, raspberries are useful while treating cold. This acid has also calming, pain relieving and blood pressure lowering properties. Thanks to the mentioned qualities, raspberry consumption is constantly increasing all around the world.


Traditional (floricane) varieties:


Repeating (primocane) varieties:

Such varieties give fruits on current year’s sprout from the beginning of August until first ground frosts, with the ability of repeating its fruition on the 2-year-old sprout.
Due to the later period of flowering, the fruits and flowers are not damaged by pests that usually  affect the  traditional raspberry varieties. The sprouts are removed before winter, that is why they are not exposed to damages caused by frost. This applies to all the repeating varieties.
Aforementioned advantages contributed to the fact that these varieties became very popular in planting due to the lower costs of cultivation.
Repeating varieties’ fruits met the interest both on dessert and processing fruit market.

Berry conference in Kraśnik

On 7th and 8th of Ferbuary, a well known berry conference took place in Kraśnik in Poland. The conference is called “Jagodowe Trendy”. Our company has been taking part in it for many years. …

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