In its natural habitat, it grows in mountain forest and river valleys of East Asia. It’s a perennial climbing plant with preference to grow in half-shaded locations. Its ripening season starts on September and October.
Fruits: spherical, glossy with red colouring. Highly valuable in terms of health, as they contain schisandrin – a tonic and strengthening substance. Moreover, they contain vitamins C and E.
Chinese schisandra seedlings
Berry conference in Kraśnik
On 7th and 8th of Ferbuary, a well known berry conference took place in Kraśnik in Poland. The conference is called “Jagodowe Trendy”. Our company has been taking part in it for many years. …
Things to remember before starting a plantation
Winter in full bloom. If you consider starting a fruit plantation it is a great time for planning it. If the idea has just come to our mind, it is worth to check the condition of the field we want to use. …
How to plant blueberry?
The choice of seedlings. If we wish to enjoy fruitage throughout the season, it is advisable to choose plants of varied ripening season. It would also contribute to appropriate pollination conditions. …